Prace realizowane w zadaniu 6 projektu RID dotyczą analizy i oceny dokładności wyników pomiarów. W ramach tego tematu w 2019 roku opublikowano już dwa artykuły. Obydwie prace ukazały się w znanych i cenionych czasopismach metrologicznych z listy A (obecna punktacja ministerialna to odpowiednio 200 pkt i 70 pkt).
1. Hanus R. "Time delay estimation of random signals using cross-correlation with Hilbert Transform". Measurement, Vol. 146, 2019, 792-799,
This paper presents an application of the Hilbert Transform (HT) in the time delay estimation (TDE) of random signals by cross-correlation function (CCF). The use of HT in the cross-correlation analysis provided a CCFHT function that reaches zero value for transportation time delay τ0. This allowed replacing the traditional τ0 designation by looking for a position of the CCF main maximum with the zero crossing location of the CCFHT, which is easier to determine. A novelty in this paper is the analysis of metrological properties of the CCFHT method for three models of stochastic measuring signals with a random noise disturbance. For these models the standard uncertainties of the TDE using CCFHT and CCF for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the interval 0.01 ≤ SNR ≤ 100 have been compared. It was found that the CCFHT-based TDE has a better accuracy in most cases. Only for very low SNR values (at 0.01) with a relatively few samples (at 5000) the CCF-based TDE is more advantageous.
2. Dorozhovets M. "Effectiveness of automatic correction of systematic effects in measuring chains", Measurement Science Review, Vol. 19(4), 2019, 132-143,$002fmsr$002f19$002f4$002farticle-p132.xml
The uncertainty of measurements associated with the following correction methods: advanced correction of additive linear drift, correction of additive and multiplicative effects, as well as joint correction of a linear drift and systematic additive and multiplicative effects is analyzed in the present article. For each correction method sensitivity coefficients and amplitude responses according to which noise and internal and external interferences influence the corrected measurement result have been determined. Besides uncertainty of reference quantities, the main factors which limit the efficiency of correction are: non-linearity of measurement function including non-linearity of ADC, no idealities of the switching systems and external and internal noises and periodic interferences. The efficiency of correction of systematic additive and multiplicative effects was studied for the multifunction 16 bit PCI DAQ of family NI 6250.
Publikacje w "Measurement" i "Measurement Science Review"