Strona: Publikacja w Sensors / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Publikacja w Sensors

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
Logo MDPI Sensors

W ramach zadania nr 4 „Rozpoznawanie wypowiedzi Polskiego Języka Migowego w układzie wizyjnym” przeprowadzono prace naukowo-badawcze, których wyniki zostały opublikowane w czasopiśmie Sensors (obecna punktacja ministerialna to 100 pkt, Impact Factor: 3,576).

Warchoł, D.; Oszust, M. Augmentation of Human Action Datasets with Suboptimal Warping and Representative Data Samples. Sensors 2022, 22, 2947.


The popularity of action recognition (AR) approaches and the need for improvement of their effectiveness require the generation of artificial samples addressing the nonlinearity of the time-space, scarcity of data points, or their variability. Therefore, in this paper, a novel approach to time series augmentation is proposed. The method improves the suboptimal warped time series generator algorithm (SPAWNER), introducing constraints based on identified AR-related problems with generated data points. Specifically, the proposed ARSPAWNER removes potential new time series that do not offer additional knowledge to the examples of a class or are created far from the occupied area. The constraints are based on statistics of time series of AR classes and their representative examples inferred with dynamic time warping barycentric averaging technique (DBA). The extensive experiments performed on eight AR datasets using three popular time series classifiers reveal the superiority of the introduced method over related approaches.

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