W ramach realizacji zadania 6 "Rozwój procedur przetwarzania i analizy sygnałów oraz kalibracji elektronicznych narzędzi w pomiarach i diagnostyce" powstała publikacja zamieszczona w czasopiśmie PAN Metrology and Measurement Systems (IF: 1,009; 100 pkt MEiN)
Kowalczyk A., Szlachta A.: Using conditional averaging of delayed signals to measure phase shift angle. Metrology and Measurement Systems, 29 (2022), No. 4, 655–667.
A novel measurement method and a brief discussion of basic characteristics of measuring the phase shift angle between two sinusoidal signals of the same frequency are presented in this paper. It contains a mathematical model for using conditional averaging of a delayed signal interfered with noise to measure the phase shift angle. It also provides characteristics of conditional mean values and discusses the effect of random interferences on the accuracy of the phase shift measurement. The way to determine the variance of the conditional mean value, together with the assessment of standard and expanded uncertainty, are described. The uncertainty characteristic shows the complementary properties of the discussed angle measurement principle
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