W ramach realizacji zadania nr 5 pn. „Napędy krytyczne przeznaczone dla systemów pokładowych statków powietrznych i pojazdów elektrycznych” przeprowadzono prace naukowo-badawcze, których wyniki zostały opublikowane w czasopiśmie Energies (obecna punktacja ministerialna to 140 pkt, impact factor: 2.707).
Smoleń, A.; Gołębiowski, L.; Gołębiowski, M.; Mazur, D. Computationally Efficient Method of Co-Energy Calculation for Transverse Flux Machine Based on Poisson Equation in 2D. Energies 2019, 12, 4340.
The article presents an original method for numerical determination of the value of magnetic co-energy of a transverse construction motor. The aim of the developed method is initial determination of the co-energy value for the analysed structure in the function of rotor rotation angle. The main requirement set to the presented method was the lowest possible complexity of the process computation, lack of the necessity to apply costly dedicated software, as well as creating construction 3D models. These requirements were met by applying specific cross-section/development of the analysed machine geometry, as well as application of specific boundary conditions, which enabled to reduce the analysed problem to solving a Poisson equation in 2D. The calculations were done with the Finite Element Method.