Strona: Publikacja w Energies / Politechnika Rzeszowska

Publikacja w Energies

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
Logo: Energies

W ramach zadania nr 5 został opublikowany artykuł pokonferencyjny (konferencja WZEE2021, Rzeszów). Informacja o wygłoszeniu artykułu podczas konferencji WZEE2021 jest umieszczona w artykule "The article was presented during 16th International Conference Selected Issues of Electrical Engineering and Electronics WZEE 2021 (Rzeszow September 2021).". 

Mariusz Korkosz, Bartłomiej Pakla and Jan Prokop, Frequency Analysis of Partial Short-Circuit Fault in BLDC Motors with Combined Star-Delta Winding, Energies 2022, 15(1), 196;


This paper analyses the condition of a partial short-circuit in a brushless permanent magnet motor. Additionally, the problem was analysed for three stator winding configurations: star, delta and star-delta connection. The paper presents an original mathematical model allowing a winding configurations to be analysed. What is more, the said mathematical model allows taking account of the partial short-circuit condition. Frequency analysis (Fast Fourier Transform—FFT) of the artificial neutral point voltage was proposed for the purpose of detecting the partial short-circuit condition. It was demonstrated that a partial short-circuit causes a marked increase in the diagnostic frequencies of the voltage signal. The proposed brushless permanent magnet motor diagnostic method is able to detect the fault regardless of the stator winding configuration type.

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