W ramach zadania nr 1 pn. „Rozwój technologii dla potrzeb przemysłu lotniczego z uwzględnieniem uwarunkowań koncepcji Przemysł 4.0” przeprowadzono prace naukowo-badawcze, których wyniki zostały opublikowane w czasopiśmie Applied Sciences (obecna punktacja ministerialna to 70 pkt, impact factor: 2.217).
Andrzej Burghardt, Dariusz Szybicki, Piotr Gierlak, Krzysztof Kurc, Paulina Pietruś, Rafał Cygan: Programming of Industrial Robots Using Virtual Reality and Digital Twins. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(2), 486. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/10/2/486
The article presents a method of programming robots using virtual reality and digital twins. The virtual environment is a digital twin of a robotic station, built based on CAD models of existing station elements. The virtual reality system is used to record human movements in a virtual environment, which are then reproduced by a real robot. The method developed is dedicated mainly to such situations in which it is necessary for the robot to reproduce the movements of a human performing a process that is complicated from the point of view of robotization. An example of using the method for programming a robot implementing the process of cleaning ceramic casting moulds is presented.
Publikacja w Applied Sciences