W czwartek 01.07.2021 r. dr inż. Paweł Dymora wygłosił referat podczas 16-tej Międzynarodowej Konferencji - DepCoS 2021, http://depcos.pwr.edu.pl/program/DepCoS-2021-program.pdf.
Zaprezentowany został artykuł autorstwa: dra inż. Pawła Dymory i dra inż. Mirosława Mazurka zatytułowany: Comparison of Selected Algorithms of Traffic Modelling and Prediction in Smart City - Rzeszów.
Artykuł jest opublikowany i dostępny na stronach SpringerLink:
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-76773-0_8 (40 pkt MEiN).
In recent years, the smart city concept has become a very actual topic of many scientific publications and the implementation of many technical and IT solutions. The smart city is a city that uses information and communication technologies to increase the interactivity and efficiency of urban infrastructure and its components, as well as to raise the awareness of its inhabitants. The article presents Smart City’s concepts and the prospects for their development in the context of the growing population of cities in the world. Nowadays cities are forced to combine various aspects in order to provide a high quality of life, comfort and a friendly environment. These aspects include areas related to the economy, environment, management and mobility. Using ARIMA - Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing algorithms, forecasts of growth of selected parameters from current solutions were carried out. In particular, the analysis and prediction of traffic were concentrated on the example of a selected city of Rzeszów in Poland, which has been a leader in the implementation of Smart City services for many years. Based on historical data, the correctness of predictions was assessed. Moreover, the directions and possibilities of development of smart cities as well as production organization in Industry 4.0 were determined.