Strona: 18th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems / Politechnika Rzeszowska

18th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
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W dniach 29 czerwca - 01 lipca 2022, w Bukareszcie, odbyła się konferencja 18th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ( W trakcie konferencji przedstawiono pracę zrealizowaną w ramach zadania 4 projektu RID: Tomasz Kapuściński: Handshape Recognition in an Educational Game for Finger Alphabet Practicing, Artykuł został opublikowany w serii Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Konferencja znajduje się na liście MEiN (140 pkt). 

A vision-based method of handshape recognition was developed and used in a simple educational game designed to practice the finger alphabet. It uses a deep neural network to determine the two-dimensional skeleton of the hand and the genetic algorithm to recognize its shape. The classification was carried out by defining and solving an optimization problem, in which the skeleton corresponding to the unknown shape is subjected to an affine transformation and then adjusted to the previously prepared set of templates. The method was tested using the leave-one-subject-out validation protocol on the author’s dataset of Polish Finger Alphabet letters and the publicly available Microsoft Kinect and Leap Motion Dataset. Based on the developed algorithm, a simple educational game was prepared, the purpose of which is to practice hand dexterity in showing complex shapes appearing in the finger alphabet.

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